Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nabokov Isn't the Only One

Hard Candy. What a movie. Patrick Wilson seems to be an indie go-to leading man (Little Children- he's also in Watchmen and the Phantom of the Opera remake which I will not discuss) Also Ellen Page manages to wander out of teenage pregnancy and into vengeful jailbait. This movie falls under my favorite category besides revenge biopic- psychological thriller. It is an excellent portrayal of the two characters, famously, the cast is five people, two of which don't have speaking parts if I remember correctly. So the focus is really on this relationship. A lot like Lolita if you've read that. Not only in content, which is where it is most reminiscent, but also in the richness of dialogue. This movie will make you sit up and watch it, I haven't met a person who didn't physically tense up during the final scenes. 


  1. Cool blog julie! This post in particular makes me want to go out an get this movie. who is Nabokov that you refer to in the title though?

  2. i haven't seen this in suchhhh a long time but i remember it being quite a shocker. it's definitely one of those films where the scenes stick in your head for quite a while. it's sortof like requiem for a dream, where you can't forget the scenes but aren't sure if you actually want to remember them. have you seen Let the Right One In? I just watched it recently (in the spirit of halloween) and loved it. it's a norwegian film, but really cool

  3. My brother loves Let the Right One In but I've never seen it! I need to -they just did a remake with the girl from Kickass, but I heard it wasn't that good.

    Also, Nabokov in the title is referring to Vladmir Nabokov, who wrote Lolita, which is about a man who has a relationship with a preteen girl, which is thematically related- such a good book!

  4. Quite a role reversal for Ellen Page considering the character she played in Juno----and don't we think it rather odd that Patrick Wilson is in TWO movies where a certain male body part is at extreme risk???? Though not his in Little Children....

  5. Quite a role reversal for Ellen Page considering the character she played in Juno----and don't we think it rather odd that Patrick Wilson is in TWO movies where a certain male body part is at extreme risk???? Though not his in Little Children....

  6. well scott and melanie, you seem remarkably like minded. Interesting observation though, maybe Patrick Wilson's agent only looks for sexually themed projects for him? Your guess is as good as mine. But if the quality remains of this caliber, I say keep it up!

  7. omg seriously though ! this movie is sooo intense, which is why it is sooo gooood !
