Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Joseph Gordon Levitt and the Most Intense Scene in a Movie I've Ever Seen, INCLUDING Curb Stomping

This is a hard movie to talk about without giving away too much. But if you need to be convinced to give it a shot, I can offer this: Joseph Gordon Levitt stars, and he hasn't made a bad movie ever (with the possible exception of 500 Days of Summer, but there's a can of worms I won't open). Michelle Trachtenberg finds her way in here as kind of a punk best friend to Levitt, how she landed this script after Ice Princess I'll never know.

This movie features drugs, alien abduction, halloween, little league baseball and absentee fathers. If that doesn't make you want to watch it, I don't know what else I can do. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. But I think that about all the movies on here. So, do what you wish. 


  1. i would like to open this can of worms regarding 500 Days of Summer. Now it is open.

  2. Hahah, I didn't like it, everyone else did. There. It's open. Also, as a filmaker, you don't get a prize for not being predictable, just because they don't get together in the end (SORRY TO ANYONE WHO DIDN'T SEE IT) doesn't mean it's a good movie. Your thoughts?

  3. julie- I HATE 500 DAYS. like holy shit i walked out of the theatre thinking the same thing--where did jgl go wrong?? how could he go wrong?? especially because i walked in thinking it was going to be great.

